Research Input in Student Experiments 2023-11-08T08:11:53+00:00 Cosmin Sabo Open Journal Systems Clean City 2023-11-07T10:00:40+00:00 Alexandru SABO Dragoș POP Matei TĂNASE David DURTEA Laura TEȘILEANU <p><em>"Clean City" is a project that aims to help automate waste collection systems and change the way we think about the cleanliness of our communities. The system operates as follows: a mobile station that travels around a predefined perimeter and collects waste using LiDAR and Radar sensors to detect objects and to process the information they provide using YOLOv4 software running on a Nvidia Jetson microcomputer. After filling up, it heads to a fixed station that sorts the various types of waste into the categories mandated by the European Union. Sorting takes place using NIR sensors and Artificial Intelligence.</em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Speed Reading Trainer 2023-11-07T08:36:52+00:00 Alexandru MĂRCUȘ Matei NAȘCU <p><em>"Speed Reading Trainer" is an app meant for learning the simple concepts of speed-reading and for practising reading at high speeds.</em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Cryptocurrency – are they the future of money? 2023-11-07T11:08:45+00:00 Sergiu-Marian COSTINAȘ Raul-Andrei DUNCA <p><em>Cryptocurrency has been the talk in the financial world for the past several years. It has recently taken up a lot of media space, while some countries try to prohibit crypto, others allow crypto for common needs. Some people believe cryptocurrency is a fad, and some believe cryptocurrency is the future. Yet, we think the reality lies somewhere in between.</em></p> <p><em>In this article we presented, based on our experience, the world of Cryptocurrency, what they are, if they really are an investment considering the volatility of the market and how you can make “Crypto”.</em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Chess as a spiritual exercise or existential salvation 2023-11-07T12:01:33+00:00 Mihai GRIGOR Otilia Róza BOGDAN Maria-Carina ȘTIOPEI <p><em>The project aims to follow how chess- one of the most beautiful sports invented by human- becomes a literary motif between three illustrative books, written by three artists&nbsp; from different eras and countries: Mihail Sadoveanu, Herta Müller and Walter Tevis.</em></p> <p><em>Mihail Sadoveanu, considered the third great storyteller of Romanian literature, presents in "Aventurile șahului" how this game gives us solutions to the great existential problems.</em></p> <p><em>Nobel laureate, Herta Müller, proposes a symbolic interpretation of the chess pieces in "Regele se-nclină și ucide".</em></p> <p><em>Walter Tevis wins his readers with a mythic book about salvation through the passion for chess, namely "The Queen's Gambit". </em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Alternative energy sources - Fuel cell 2023-11-07T12:53:07+00:00 Vasile ANDERCĂU Georgiana MAGHEAR Anamaria OANEA <p><em>In the context of the human need for energy and the gradual consumption of fuel reserves, finding alternative energy sources is becoming a global challenge. It is estimated that oil and natural gas will run out in approximately 50 years, and coal in approximately 200 years. We studied several alternative energy sources and presented their utility. For instance, the fuel cell uses the principle of reversing the electrolysis reaction and the continuous conversion of the chemical energy of a fuel into electrical energy.</em></p> 2023-11-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Acoustic intensity 2023-11-07T13:28:55+00:00 Paul MUREȘAN <p><em>The research paper has <strong>the effects of sound wave intensity on human health</strong> as object of study. Sound has four characteristics, of which one is its intensity. We experimentally demonstrated by measuring perceived sound intensity and actual sound intensity level that the two do not determine a linear difference. Above a certain sound intensity threshold, sound can have unwanted effects on the body. With the help of a specific measuring instrument, we studied the noise level to which students and teachers in an educational unit are exposed.</em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Herta Müller 2023-11-07T15:04:59+00:00 Ștefania PECE <p>-</p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Familien früher und heute. Die Buddenbrooks 2023-11-07T15:24:08+00:00 Alexandru LUPȘE <p>-</p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Interesting uses of trigonometric inequalities 2023-11-07T15:36:22+00:00 Antonia COSAR <p><span class="fontstyle0">A wise saying tells us that we ought to love our enemies despite the sorrow they’ve put us through. Thus, I chose to give trigonometry one more chance and I ended up being introduced to a whole other side of it, which helped me understand it at a much deeper level.</span></p> <p><span class="fontstyle0">Through trigonometry, we are able to create unexpected bridges between algebra and geometry, fact that gives a rather unique magic to it.</span> </p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments The dance of the pendulums 2023-11-07T14:51:14+00:00 Dragoș-Cristian POP Paul Ștefan TIBA <p><em>Our work presents the study of the gravitational pendulum and the laws that govern the oscillations of the gravitational pendulum. For this purpose, we built a device that highlights in a unique way the period of oscillation of the pendulum depending on its length. The device is made up of 15 gravitational pendulums, ordered in increasing order according to the length of the wires, suspended by means of inextensible wires of negligible mass, whose lengths vary from one wire to another. The wires were chosen of different lengths to give each pendulum a different period, so that once released from a certain angle, not being coupled, they begin to oscillate, forming the image of a wave.</em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Submerged in crimes 2023-11-07T15:55:03+00:00 Mira ORZA Alissa TĂUT Vanessa RUSNEAC <p><em>Both murder and suicide have shattered from ground up the human society for thousands of years. Most real life murders have a motivation which is closely connected to money, passions or revenge. </em></p> <p><em>In literature, murders or suicide have the role to generate a powerful emotion to the reader by creating, at the same time, the illusion of life.</em></p> <p><em>A great part of the murders from real life remain unpunished. In most cases of murder in literature, the wrong-doers remain, as well, not discovered out of recklessness or ignorance, with the exception of the murderers from the novel „Baltagul”.</em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments The power function in Group Theory 2023-11-08T06:13:30+00:00 Robert ROGOZSAN Gheorghe BOROICA <p><span class="fontstyle0">In this article we will present some special properties and applications regarding the power function over a group. First we will give an equivalent condition for the power function to be a bijection over a group G, then we will present some problems which can easily be solved by using the properties we will prove at the beginning of the paper.</span> </p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments The Great Union 2023-11-08T06:53:16+00:00 Patricia POP <p><em>The Great Union is the beginning of the modern and democratic Romanian state. Thanks to the events of the century after the Great Union, Romanians learned to be united and strong together, no matter what. </em></p> <p><em>Historical events have left their mark on society and also on their thinking.</em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Lexikalische Entlehnungen und die Kommunikation früher und heute 2023-11-08T07:22:23+00:00 Anna FERENȚ <p>-</p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Magazines – the culture of America in the 20th century 2023-11-08T07:42:23+00:00 Iustina Gabriela DANCI <p><em>The variety of magazines' amusement, information, and ideas was one of the 20th century's most peculiar aspects. The organizational framework of the magazine industry enabled new publications to appear as freely as they had in the first 55 years of the century. Magazines as a whole reflected a varied range of preferences and perspectives due to the fact that they catered to particular audiences within the general community creating a culture within the general collective.</em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments Tentația dansului sau Fațetele bucuriei 2023-11-08T08:11:53+00:00 Raluca Mariana CODREA Alina Teodora COMAN Raluca Izabela NYIKORA <p><em>Dance is an artistic means of expressing a message. At the beginning of the 20th century, writers begin to write novels in which the art of dance predominates. In "Morometii" by Marin Preda, the dance is highlighted by the "Dansul Calusului". The tradition is observed in the novel "Ion" by Liviu Rebreanu through traditional weddings. In "Ciuleandra" by Liviu Rebreanu, the choir is present. The waltz is an art that consists of feelings. In,, Waltz Invitation" by Mihail Drumes and "Last Night of Love, First Night of War" by Camil Petrescu, the waltz is present.</em></p> 2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Research Input in Student Experiments