Student Thinkers and Advanced Research 2024-11-28T05:38:32+00:00 Cosmin Sabo Open Journal Systems Essential Oils: Exploring Their Antimicrobial Potential 2024-11-05T07:18:13+00:00 RAREȘ - IONUȚ DRAGOMIR <p><em>Multidrug-resistant bacteria is one of the most concerning health problems all over the world. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics and antifungals drives these phenotypes. Developing new combat strategies is crucial to prevent&nbsp; healthcare and humanitarian crisis.</em> <em>Potential strategies include essential oils, antimicrobial peptides, bacteriophage therapies, and nanoparticles. These strategies could offer an optimized alternative to antibiotics, transforming virulent microorganisms into avirulent ones, without major disruption to the normal microbiota or human body homeostasis.</em></p> <p><em>In this study we focused on the antimicrobial potential activity of the essential oils, that were tested using different methods against Gram-negative, Gram-positive and fungal microorganisms.</em></p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research The study of the mobility and speciation of heavy metals in polluted soils from Copșa Mică, Sibiu County 2024-11-05T08:02:45+00:00 FLAVIUS-PAUL DUBLEȘU BOGDAN ȘOFARIU PETRONELA-BIANCA (PAVEL) VECERDEA <p><em>The Copșa Mică area in Romania is heavily affected by contamination with heavy metals, particularly lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and zinc (Zn), due to intense industrialization. This study investigates the impact of this pollution on soil and the mobility of heavy metals. The results highlight significant contamination, surpassing permissible limits, affecting soil fertility and plant development. Additionally, the potential of red mud for remediating contaminated soil is explored. The conclusions emphasize the need for urgent remediation strategies to protect the environment and the health of local residents.</em></p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research Research on bee products and their use in cosmetic 2024-11-05T08:46:40+00:00 ALESSANDRA POP <p><em>In this paper, the antibacterial effect of bee products on skin microflora was investigated in order to prepare api-therapeutic formulations. Bacterial cultures were isolated on culture media and samples of propolis, honey, royal jelly, beeswax, pollen were applied, which proved their inhibatory efficacy, especially propolis, royal jellyand honey. Thus, these products have a biological value through the natural antibiotics they contain, proof that they can be used successfully in cosmetics.</em></p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research Testing the antimicrobial efficiency of silver nanoparticles and Aloe vera gel 2024-11-08T10:35:13+00:00 TEODORA ELENA OPRICA <p><em>This paper aims to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of solutions based on silver nanoparticles and Aloe vera gel on some pathogenic and facultative pathogenic strains. In order to highlight the bactericidal properties of these products, measurements of the inhibition zone diameter were performed for each tested strain. The results showed that the most effective antimicrobial effect is in the case of the combination between biosynthesized silver nanoparticles solution and Aloe vera gel, having the diameter of action of 15 mm on the Staphylococcus aureus strain.</em></p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research Evaluation of the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis parasite, in the female population attending an Obstetrics and Gynecology office, Baia Mare 2024-11-14T07:14:25+00:00 BEATRICE MIHALESCU <p><em>The identification and prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection in women was pursued, through the Babeş Papanicolau test collected at a gynaecology office, Baia Mare. During the research period (2020-2023), the identification of the etiological agents detected, the prevalence of contamination, the distribution by age groups, residence and level of studies were pursued. The data were centralized in tables, using the percentage calculation method, and the results were plotted. Out of a number of 2,531 investigated patients, 39 positive were diagnosed for parasitosis 2020 (2.76%), 2021 (1.73%), 2022 (1.10%), 2023 (0.65), decrease probably due to the pandemic.</em></p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research Factorii care afectează ornitofauna din orașul Baia Mare 2024-11-21T11:30:24+00:00 LIVIU GABRIEL TIMARIU <p><em>Urbanizarea are impact negativ asupra </em><em>ornitofaunei. În ciuda provocărilor, unele specii se </em><em>adapteză lamediile urbane dar altele suferă sau chiar </em><em>dispar.</em></p> <p><em>Baia Mare este situată în nord-vestul României, </em><em>în lungul râului Săsar (cca. 228 m. alt.) </em><em>Orașul beneficiază de un </em><em>climat bland, fără temperaturi excesive.</em></p> <p><em>Scopul lucrării este de a oferii o imagine asupra ornitofaunei din Baia Mare. Astfel,am selectat trei spații verzi reprezentative: Parcul Municipal Regina Maria, Parcul Mara și campusul universitar CUNBM. Lucrarea inlude observații avifaunistice din perioada: octombrie 2023 - mai 2024, prin metoda puctelor fixe. Rezultatele au demonstrat ca presiunea antropica a afectat diversitatea ornitofaunei.</em></p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research Contribuția terpenelor în profilul de aromă ale sortimentelor de piper 2024-11-05T09:32:10+00:00 IULIA-ALEXANDRA CODREANU <p><em>Lucrarea urmărește prezentarea a cinci sortimente de piper (roz, roșu, negru, alb, verde). Clasele de piper conțin ca substante volatile aromatizante terpene (monoterpene și sesquiterpene). În lucrare sunt prezentate cei mai importanți compuși terpenici. Din punct de vedere ale metodelor de obținere,proprietăți fizico -chimice și utilizări aromatice. În lucrare se încearcă găsirea unor corelări între compuși terpenici și culoarea piperului. În finalul lucrări se trag </em>concuzii și potențiale aplicații<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research Studiul influenței thiocianatului de guanidină asupra conservării parametrilor urinari 2024-11-07T12:20:49+00:00 GABRIELA ALEXANDRA BIZĂU <p><em>Această lucrare investighează efectul thiocianatului de guanidină asupra conservării parametrilor urinari în probe stocate la 25°C și 4°C, cu și fără conservant. Analizele au inclus parametri urinari standard, examinarea microscopică, și măsurarea concentrației creatininei și proteinelor urinare. Rezultatele arată că thiocianatul de guanidină conservă nivelurile parametrilor urinari, în special la 25°C, comparativ cu probele fără conservant. Thiocianatul de guanidină demonstrează astfel eficiență în conservarea probelor urinare în diverse condiții de stocare.</em></p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research The chemical profile and the importance of lavender essential oils in medicine 2024-11-07T12:40:17+00:00 ALINA DEMIAN <p>The discussion encompasses the chemical profile of lavender essential oils, medical usage of lavender essential oils, and authentication methods.</p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research