Student Thinkers and Advanced Research UNIVERSITAS en-US Student Thinkers and Advanced Research 3061-3965 The archeology of knowledge <p>This text explores the implications of Michel Foucault's philosophy of power, focusing on the relationship between power and society and the various forms power can take. Foucault's perspective on power is rooted in the idea that power is not centralized but dispersed throughout society, operating through social and institutional relations. He views power as a neutral force that can have moral consequences, shaping social reality through the production of knowledge, discourse, and practices.</p> <p>Drawing a parallel between Foucault's ideas and those of Jean-François Lyotard, who discusses the role of narratives in justifying power. Both philosophers highlight the role of narratives and discourses in shaping reality and legitimizing power. They suggest that narratives and discourses provide the basis for justifying power, whether in the form of myths, scientific theories, or other cultural assumptions.</p> <p>Foucault's work challenges traditional notions of power and invites us to critically examine how power operates in various contexts and how it shapes our understanding of reality.</p> Mihai Tiberiu Vas Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 2 1 Exploring the infosphere: the impact of digitalization on knowledge <p>In the digital era, emerging technologies have fundamentally transformed how we access, disseminate, and think about knowledge, prompting profound questions about knowledge, ethics, and human experience. Luciano Floridi's "infosphere" concept, encompassing all information and communication, reshapes our understanding of reality and requires ethical management. Yuval Noah Harari's insights on information technology's impact highlight changes in power structures, social relations, and human essence, emphasizing data interpretation and potential risks.</p> <p>The digital age challenges us to navigate and shape the infosphere, recognizing technology's central role in shaping knowledge and human experience. This challenge involves ensuring that the expanded digital world respects and promotes human dignity, diversity, and freedom while avoiding the pitfalls of excessive uniformization and pervasive surveillance.</p> <p>This philosophical inquiry becomes essential for navigating the complexities of the digital era, understanding how digital information shapes perceptions, values, and behaviors, and reevaluating traditional notions of truth, reality, and identity.</p> Florin Mitruț Ghiurgiu Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 2 1 Neoplatonismul – curent filosofic <p><em>The text discusses Neoplatonism, a Greek philosophical movement that emerged in the second century and lasted until 529. Neoplatonism views the world as governed by meaning, requiring elevated thinking to comprehend it. It focuses on finding a unique principle, the One, which explains the nature of the intelligible. Plotinus, influenced by Plato, introduces innovations and fundamental changes compared to other philosophers like Aristotle and the Stoics.</em></p> <p><em>Neoplatonism transcends syncretism, integrating influences into a unique vision characterized by mysticism and ecstasy. The significant differences between Neoplatonism and Christian or Gnostic thought are highlighted, emphasizing Plotinus' innovative perspective on the intelligible and sensible&nbsp;worlds.</em></p> Natalia Maria Mezei Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 2 1 8 8 Pragmatica – știința utilizării limbii <p><em>The text proposes a comprehensive analysis of pragmatics, highlighting its concerns regarding the meaning and use of language in the context of human communication. From pioneers like Charles S. Pierce and Charles Morris, who defined pragmatics, to its ongoing development in the face of technological and communication changes, the text covers various aspects of this field. Key contributions of figures such as Grice, Austin, Searle, Levinson, and van Dijk are explored, focusing on conversational implicatures, the theory of illocutionary acts, and discourse analysis. It also addresses various subdomains, including business pragmatics and political pragmatics, emphasizing the applicability and evolution of pragmatics in different contexts. The text underscores the importance of context, intention, and interpretation in understanding the meaning of words, concluding that pragmatics is fundamental in exploring language as a mode of action in complex human communication.</em></p> Amalia Babici-Man Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 2 1 7 7 Controverse doctrinare ale libertarianismului <p><em>Libertarianism is a current of moral and political thought that favors full or near-full individual ownership. As the term suggests, libertarianism involves a commitment to respect freedom. Regarding self-ownership, left- and right-libertarianism embrace the same view: man's ownership of himself is complete.</em></p> <p><em>Analyzing the doctrinal controversies within this movement, many libertarians have concluded that libertarianism is neither Left nor Right. It is only "thin" libertarianism, it is often an incomplete philosophy that takes little or no account of the non-atomistic aspect of human experience, of human groups, of their dynamics and differences.</em></p> Laura-Elena Faur Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 2 1 12 12 Martin Luthers’s Metaphysics <p><em>Martin Luther had an impact not only in theology but also in philosophy. His critique of medieval metaphysics paved the way for modern philosophy.</em></p> Bogdan Man Copyright (c) 2024 Student Thinkers and Advanced Research 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 2 1