The Author(s) will be contacted by the editors with their decision once the review process is completed.
Reviewers are selected by the Editorial Staff at the Research Input in Student Experiments (RISE) Journal and the estimated time for the review process is 1-4 weeks. RISE follows the double-blinded closed reviewing policy where the identity of the author is not revealed to the reviewer and vice versa.
Following are the items that the referees evaluate as they review the manuscript:
- Are the main claims of the paper novel? If not, please specify papers that weaken the claims to the originality of this one.
- Do the results support the claims? If not, what other evidence is required, and will this additional information improve the paper?
- Does the paper offer enough details of its methodology that its experiments or its analyses could be reproduced?
- If the paper is considered unsuitable for publication in its present form, does the study itself show sufficient potential that the authors should be encouraged to resubmit a revised version?
- Is the manuscript clearly enough written so that it is understandable to non-specialists? If not, how could it be improved?
- Have the authors cited the previous literature appropriately?
- Referees rate the Significance, Originality, Quality, and Clarity of the manuscript.
Scholarly feedback upon reviewing the manuscript by the referees will be provided to the author. This feedback will not only help authors identify areas of improvement to their submission but help them better understand the process in order to be successful at publication.