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The dance of the pendulums
Research Input in Student Experiments,
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Proceedings of the 5th International Conference XGEN
Our work presents the study of the gravitational pendulum and the laws that govern the oscillations of the gravitational pendulum. For this purpose, we built a device that highlights in a unique way the period of oscillation of the pendulum depending on its length. The device is made up of 15 gravitational pendulums, ordered in increasing order according to the length of the wires, suspended by means of inextensible wires of negligible mass, whose lengths vary from one wire to another. The wires were chosen of different lengths to give each pendulum a different period, so that once released from a certain angle, not being coupled, they begin to oscillate, forming the image of a wave.
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- Fig. 1 https://www.scrigroup.com/files/fizica/584_poze/image007.jpg
- Rodica Ionescu - Andrei, Cristina Onea, Ion Toma "Fizica Manual pentru clasa a XI- a F1"
- editura "Art Educational", page 17-18.
- Colectiv "Fizica pentru grupele de performanta", page 170-172.
- https://www.education.com/science-fair/article/pendulum-waves/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVkdfJ9PkRQ
- https://sciencedemonstrations.fas.harvard.edu/presentations/pendulum-waves
- https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pendul_Foucault
- Mihai Popescu, Valerian Tomescu, Smaranda Strazzaboschi, Mihai Sandu „Fizica 11”, editura „LVS CREPUSCUL”, page 15-16.
Fig. 1 https://www.scrigroup.com/files/fizica/584_poze/image007.jpg
Rodica Ionescu - Andrei, Cristina Onea, Ion Toma "Fizica Manual pentru clasa a XI- a F1"
editura "Art Educational", page 17-18.
Colectiv "Fizica pentru grupele de performanta", page 170-172.
Mihai Popescu, Valerian Tomescu, Smaranda Strazzaboschi, Mihai Sandu „Fizica 11”, editura „LVS CREPUSCUL”, page 15-16.